cool and interesting, pests and diseases, Useful Information, Varroa

Varroa Mite Feeding Study

I do not think that Dr. Samuel Ramsey's incredible presentation on the weekend at the Zoom BCHPA semi-AGM was recorded, but here at least is a link to a paper that includes the electron micrographs that he used in his talk. Some really incredible stuff. I was particularly blown away by the use of gelcap… Continue reading Varroa Mite Feeding Study

cool and interesting, news, pests and diseases

Nosema ceranae sucks iron

Interesting article on how the "new" Nosema, (Nosema ceranae) which jumped to our European bees from the Asian bee kills the bees by iron depletion.

pests and diseases, Useful Information, workshop / conference

Cranbrook Workshop March 2nd

Lance Cuthill of the East Kootenay Beekeepers asked me to post this notice of their upcoming workshop. I have heard that seats are filling up fast, so register soon if you are interested. ************* BETTER YOUR BEEKEEPING *************** KOOTENAY & BOUNDARY FARM ADVISORS WORKSHOP *****************************************************    INFORMATION:   Saturday, March 2, 2019                 Eagles Hall –… Continue reading Cranbrook Workshop March 2nd