meetings, pests and diseases, Raffle !!, Useful Information

September WKBeeks meeting

Our first meeting of the new beekeeping year will be this coming Sunday, 8 September at Paul Taylor’s place from 13:00 to 15:00,

There is quite a list of topics to talk about including, in no particular order;

1. Apimondia 2019 in Montreal, 2. local fall fairs and events, 3. the BCHPA – AGM in Prince George, 4. upcoming meeting dates, 5. MKD, the Mysterious Kootenay Disease, 6. an update on Fumagillin and antibiotics, 7. local honey pricing, 8. honey production survey, and any other topics that folks are concerned about. Probably we won’t be able to cover everything at this meeting  and may have to leave some for future meetings.

We will also have about 10 pails of donated sugar, so we will run a sugar raffle just in time for fall feeding. PLEASE, please bring an empty 5 gallon pail to take home your winnings, and PLEASE return any empty pails that you “borrowed” because you didn’t come prepared last time. We are really running short of pails to collect more sugar. If this is you, we thank you in advance. Also, if you have any creative donations to add to the raffle prizes, they are definitely very welcome.

So we will see you on Sunday. The New Denver Garlic Festival is also this weekend, so some folks will unfortunately have a conflict, but hopefully the majority of you can make it.